NanoxCAN meeting in Hannover

NanoxCan partners and researchers met in Hannover, between 25th and 26th of April 2023.

The meeting took place in Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany and conducted by Dr. Milutin Kovacev. During the first day it was presented the updates for the project as well as discussed the upcoming steps for the Horizon 2020 Pathfinder Project. The Hannover PIs and researchers gave a tour and guided visit to the they’re laboratory and an exclusive visit to the lab that is currently under construction. At the end of the first day everyone had the chance to visit the Einstein Elevator, located at the Hannover Institute of Technology, were it was also showed a demonstration video.

On the second day it was given the last updates, it was planned a strategy for the communication and dissemination of the project.