Participation in Journal Club

Pablo Claveria from IST today participated in the epp team’s Journal Club by reviewing the F. Frost et al PRL paper “Imaging via Correlation of X-Ray Fluorescence Photons”. It was followed by a live demonstration of varying speckle size at the VOXEL lab.

If you want to see the epp click on the link:

Bayesian optimisation

In order to optimise the energy coupling from a laser pulse to a finite-size spherical solid target, we have performed a Bayesian optimisation study using a reduced model based on 2D Osiris simulations. The numerical scheme, showed in the figure, optimises the laser duration, wavelength and particle density of the spherical solid target for the maximum K-alpha ionisation yield. In this way we can explore the multidimensional parameter space to optimise the X-rays K-alpha production from the laser-target interaction.

Spectral Broadening and post-compression

Mariana Cunha da Silva has been working on Spectral Broadening and post-compression, at the Voxel lab in IST.

During this experiment Mariana mentioned that in order to achieve pulses in the very limit of temporal duration requires not only an ultrashort laser system, such as the ones available in the laboratories of the GoLP team but also a post-compression installation, an extra set of equipment that broadens the spectrum allowing, after, the temporal compression of the pulse. 

Here we see how the pulse spectrum changes while propagating inside a Hollow Core Fiber, a thin cylindrical piece of glass filled with a noble gas, in this case, Argon.  

Physics week at IST

On 12th of May 2023, as part of the Physics week at IST, Mariana Cunha da Silva gave a presentation about the NanoxCAN to students.

One of the topics of the presentation was the “Dive in the plasma realm”.