Photonics West 2024

Members of NanoXCan consortium showcased their work at Photonics West in San Francisco. The Photonics West is the largest Photonics conference in the world, with over 24000 attendees. As described by the organisation, this year’s edition provided an opportunity to reconnect with colleagues, enjoy lively conversations, learn about the latest breakthroughs, and establish important new connections. Attendees came to hear cutting-edge research in biomedical optics, biophotonics, industrial lasers, optoelectronics, microfabrication, MOEMS-MEMS, displays, quantum technologies—including quantum 2.0—and more.

Marta Fajardo from IST gave a talk with NanoXCan results on X-ray optimization, while Konstantina Kostourou from NANEO Precision IBS Coatings GmbH hosted NANEO’s booth at the German Pavillion, where german companies present their products and services under the „made in Germany“ brand. Konstantina had the chance to not only attend some interesting conference talks and workshops, but to also discuss NANEO’s most recent research activities with and get feedback from some of the top experts in the photonics field. In parallel, an informal meeting between NANEO (Daniel Kopf and Konstantina Kostourou) and NanoXCAN partner GOTTFRIED WILHELM LEIBNIZ UNIVERSITÄT HANNOVER (Uwe Morgner) took place, where specification requirements and upcoming plans for simulations were discussed.